Kevin & Lana Vawser regularly release prophetic insight God gives them and are now training others to steward God’s heart. Hear how God has been speaking to them and helping them lead a generation of emerging prophetic voices on this episode of the Kingdom Awakening podcast.


I was like, welcome to the Kingdom Awakening podcast. Join us as we look for prophetic insight on current events, hear testimonies from around the world, review church reformation, share biblical teaching and more. I’m your host, Jeff Simons. I hope this show helps you connect with God. Welcome to the Kingdom Awakening podcast. I’m your host, Jeff Simons. I have with me Kevin and Lana Bowser. Welcome.


Hey Jeff. Great to be with you. Thank you for having us.


Thank you.


Thank you for joining us.


It’s gonna be good.


Yeah. As long as you two aren’t, aren’t fighting over the cushion.


Yes, I may or may not be sitting on a cushion.


No, no, no one will ever know. No one will know. Well, cut this out. I might leave it in.




Now you guys do ministry together, you have family together. You are around each other all day every day. And now admittedly I don’t have a lot of visibility into your day to day life, but I’ve never seen you two always seem to have a good partnership and give and take without throwing, throwing plates at each other. How do you manage to balance, balance all of the different roles and responsibilities that you have?


It’s a really good question.


Yeah, well, I think we, I mean, I guess we try to, we’ve learned to try and give each other space and respect that as well. So, you know, as far as just practically. So we record on Tuesdays, sometimes Wednesdays and Thursdays. So Mondays I’ll take, I’ll take the entire day to do all the office work, all the stuff I need to do. We’ve got kids, we cannot really have kids running around. But Elijah, our oldest, he’s, he’s just old enough now to look after our smallest one, little Isabella, she’s, she’s all over a year and a half now. And so we’ve got that now, which is, which is a blessing. The last year we’ve, I’ve been out in the other room trying to keep everyone quiet while Lana’s doing him in school. So in this, this current season, we’re doing in school and into session and we’re both in and it’s, it’s, it’s good to be there, but we both have to, you know, we both have to try and work together to I guess understand the common goal and understand what we need to do to see it established.


Yeah. Yeah. And I would say as well, like there is such grace in the assignment of the Lord, like, and I don’t want to sound over spiritual, but what we do week to week, like, I Will look at the end of the week and go, how in the world did we get through that? Like, how. How did we do that? And there’s just. We have experienced such an empowerment of grace, following in the way of God. But alongside that, like Kevin said, we have to be very structured with what our weeks look like and really steward our time well and our connections well, because we often notice that if we aren’t really sowing into our connections, then everything just. It just doesn’t work. And so really keeping that priority as well, that family is the focus, like, this is like, you know what I mean? Like, ministry kind of flows out of our family unit. And so we’re very intentional in sewing into each other our children alongside having very kind of structured days and like, no go zones. Like, our Saturdays are our family days. You know, we have. We tag team with our time with the Lord.


Like, it’s just. It’s very structured, but in it all, the grace of God is just amazing.


I thought it was interesting. So Nate Johnston, I think he’s in Colorado Springs now. He was here, and it was around a couple years after I first got introduced to y’all. And initially, I’m still Texan. I still say y’all.


I love it.


The only Texan thing about me is hunting, and I say y’all. But it was actually a friend of mine that Lana shared a word that you had put on Facebook or something like that. And, you know, it was within a couple of, I’d say, a few months that you were in Texas. And it was interesting. I was noting how. How many people were gravitating to words that the Lord was sharing between y’all, but also with Nate Johnson and Christy, and it was like, you know, all these different confirmations for Americans were coming from Australians. Is there. I have a little bit of an inclination on why it might be of. But what is your feeling on that of the way that your words seem to resonate in with Americans?


Yeah, I. A number of years ago, I had this encounter with the Lord and. And I saw two hands that were coming together, and I saw America and Australia, and they began to shake hands. And. And the Lord began to speak to me about a partnership between the two nations. And I, at the time, I remember thinking, I don’t even know what that means or what that looks like. And for a long time before even anybody knew who I was, I just had this incredible heart for the U.S. like, so much so that my Australian friends would, you know, make fun of me because I was more Invested, it seemed, in the US and praying for the US and look, I love my nation. That has shifted, you know, dramatically. But for that season, the Lord was really investing his heart into me for the US and so what I have seen personally over the years is that exactly what you’re talking about. And I think that there is a very strategic alignment between the US And Australia for what the Lord wants to do. And even at times, I have seen things in the US that the Lord has done.


And he has then said to me, now Australia will follow suit. And so I just. I really feel like there is a. Yeah, like a real partnership in the spirit. But I also believe that there’s something about the Australian voice, the Australian prophetic voice, that for so long we have as a nation been so thankful and received so much from the U.S. like, I can’t even count how many times I’ve been so blessed by what God has done through leaders and friends and the prophetic movement in your nation that has really sowed into who I am today. But I felt like, as well, that we came into a season where the Lord was raising up the Australian voice, which is very distinct. It’s very different. And so I think there’s that as well, that there was a kind of the. I don’t want to use the word flavor, but the sound of. I think the Australian voice that was the Lord was using to really impart and encourage the American church.


Absolutely. And I think, too, you know, just. Just looking historically. So we’ve got Australia. We’ve got a. We got the USA and Canada. They’re all. I guess you could call us brothers and sisters. And, you know, we’ve. We’ve all come from. Been birthed from a nation in England. And so we’re all. We’re all sibling nations in one way or other. I mean, Canada. I love Canada. I’ve never been to Canada, but I love Canada. But I would say of America and Australia, we have distinct personalities. Canada does, too. But there’s something that’s distinct, I think, about the personalities between Australia and America that I think really give us an opportunity to mesh together and to. To bounce off each other, to support each other. I mean, and going beyond that, too, I mean, yes, yes. Prophetically, I know that the moment I stepped into America the first time, there was a kinship that I felt with that nation. I’ve seen more about Australia prophetically in my own times of God in America than I have in my time in Australia. So there is a connection. There is. There is something that God has meshed together between these two nations.


And well, you know, I think we’ve just, just started to see the beginning of it. I’m excited for how God established, has established and what he’s going to continue to do.


Well, and there’s, there’s a lot of us that are tracking with prophetic revelation that’s coming from y’all, coming from the Johnston’s and it’s especially for people. And I would put myself, I don’t know, at least in the past, I would say had a wilderness season where you’re going through something and just that one confirmation, you think you’re hearing the Lord but you’re not quite sure. And then the right word at the right time of oh yeah, that was the Lord. And it just kind of encourages you to continue in that path. And one of the things that I noticed in. And for those that have been in a wilderness season and we use wilderness in kind of a, kind of a general way, but there’s, there seems to be even in the wilderness two different groups. And there’s those that are the reason is why they’re in the wilderness. And you see it with Elijah too, right? He gets sent to the wilderness by the Lord, but then he also goes when he’s running from Jezebel. So there’s people that are out in that experience. There seems to be two different reasons that they’re there.


So how. And even I’ve noticed that anytime the word wilderness comes up, it’s almost like a trigger word. So somebody that’s feeling disconnected from the body, you know, it’s, it’s like, you know, the trigger something good or bad, it triggers something. And, but I, but I also noticed that there is. When people are in a state of isolation or removal for their own rebellion, sometimes they’ll interpret an encouraging word as, as an affirmation from the Lord that they, you know, almost like gaslighting themselves or, or you know, convincing themselves, oh I, I did this, I did the right thing. When it should be a time to go back and converse with the Lord. Have you guys had to, to steward people in, in how they respond to those. I just wanted to give you a quick update that this channel is now monetized on YouTube and Spotify. This means that your views, your comments and your sharing of this channel has helped the ministry to advance the Kingdom of God. And we’re currently helping a widow to become self sufficient. We’re supporting a few orphanages as we’re able to and we’re planning future evangelistic events thank you so much for your participation in this effort.


And I pray that this program would continue to bless you and awaken your heart to the reality of God’s kingdom. I just want to say a quick prayer for you, Father. I thank you for every viewer and listener of this channel. God, I pray that you would bless each one of their lives. Pour out your grace and favor over each one of them, Lord, to know you more and become closer and closer to the person of Jesus Christ. I bless them all in Jesus name. Amen. God bless you and how they respond to those types of things.


Definitely. Yeah, I think that’s something that I could. I can think, now that you’ve asked me, I can think of examples of conversations that I’ve had with people and helping people through that space. And one thing that I really encourage people with is from my own journey is when I find myself in the wilderness, the first thing I do is I ask the Lord, why am I here? And it’s very much. It brings me back to the place of intimacy with the Lord to really hear his voice and go, okay, Lord, like, why? Like, if I hear why I’m here, then I. If I see a prophetic word that’s like, hey, hold on, you know, the Lord hasn’t finished working with you in the wilderness. I know then that that word is for me because it’s in line with what the Lord has said. And so I’ve helped people through their journey of really unpacking with the Lord that place of why? Because if I am in the wilderness because of disobedience, then the Lord’s going to show that to me as I come with a tender heart, and I come with that place of humility to go, okay, Lord, like, talk to me.


And then when, if he highlights something, then that place of repentance, then obviously makes the way for us to come out of, of the wilderness. And so I, I love that question. Because I think what I have noticed in prophetic culture is that we can grab hold of words like, social media is wonderful, what a gift social media is. But there is a responsibility right upon the believer to actually weigh the word and take the word before the Lord and go, actually, is this, like, what are you saying about this? Is this for me? Rather than just grab everything and claim it when the Lord’s like, hey, actually, I want to talk to you about, about this and the why behind it. So I just, I love this because I think there’s a level of responsibility in our stewardship of receiving words to go, okay, Lord, this word says wilderness. But actually, why am I in the wilderness? And if I’m in the wilderness because you’ve pulled me into this place and you’ve drawn me so that I may hear your voice and come deeper and that’s in line with this word, then I can take that.


So I guess for me, that championing of really encouraging people to sit with the Lord and really wait until you hear the answer as to why. And it’s not a navel gazing of like, oh, God, why am I here? It’s like, lord, what’s this? What’s the. What’s your word right now? And then when you hear that, then your faith can align with what God is saying.


And I think the wilderness being an extended period of pause in any time I’ve experienced it, it always just seems like that where God just hits pause or just. It’s almost an isolation to the. In a way. But there’s no better opportunity to bring your stuff to the Lord or even just go, hey, Lord, what is going on in my life right now? I mean, there’s. I don’t have competing things going on. I don’t have things, you know, I don’t have so many things pulling on me. What is going on in my life? How can I better serve you? What can you. What have you. What moral am I carrying that I need to lay down less what I need to lay down at your campfire right now? I think the. I think we could all hope to do that. Not. And again, not in a navel gazing kind of way, but just in a stewardship, in an, in a, you know, in discipleship, in our own maturity. I think that’s something that we can all or hope to do every now and then, but there’s no better place to do it. And then in the wilderness, there’s no more fruitful place too.


I’ve. I’ve seen in my life that in these times is the times where as even when Elijah went in response to fear, God still ministered to him there. It was still a place in ministry for personal ministry for him. And I’ve seen that in my life too. More times than mine.


Well, I noticed when. How I respond in the wilderness also reveals part of the reason of why I’m there. You know, if I’m getting frustrated, the reason I’m frustrating is likely one of the reasons I’m there. If I’m frustrated because ministry isn’t happening, or whatever my expectation may be I was, then it’s revealing of something in my heart that The Lord is just drawing it out. I was talking to a friend who’s a missionary to India earlier today, and he made the statement of, I don’t care if I’m washing the dishes or preaching to thousands. If I’m doing what I’m doing for the Lord, if it’s what he has for me, that’s all I want to be doing. And I was like, I just, I feel like I need that tattooed on me somewhere.


Right. Get the paper.


Right, right. And, you know, I, I. The way that people interpret some of the words on, on social media, the prophetic words, it’s. I’ve noticed that there’s a distinction between how people respond to online ministry versus in person ministry. And like, one of the ones that I’ve personally seen is somebody that would never argue with you in person for whatever reason, because there’s that layer of anonymity between screens that they will feel very entitled to share their disagreements and why you’re wrong and almost say all kinds of things that if you were just standing in front of them, they would never say those things. I wonder, what are some of the other differences? Because you guys have done conferences and things like that in person, but you’re also stewarding an online school. What are some of the differences in ministry in person versus online?


Yeah, that’s a really good question. I think online, you nailed it with what you just said then about when people are happy to, like, this is what I think. I think we’ve noticed that. Definitely. Yeah. But one of the blessings of online ministry as well has been the way that we have seen the Lord take His word into places that we haven’t been or that we haven’t, or that we can’t go. And so that has been beautiful. And watching on our online schools because, I mean, look, for me, I never dreamt of doing an online school. It wasn’t something that was in my heart that I was like, yes, let’s do online schools. The Lord was like, no, this is the assignment that you need to do online schools until I say stop. And what we’ve seen with the online space is such a beautiful, diverse, incredible community that has come together school after school and watching in the online space. How God is not limited. Right? He’s not limited to, like, the computer screen doesn’t stop him. And the way that we have seen, you know, people healing and a move of God in the online space has been amazing as far as the community that he’s drawn.


And I’ve been personally just floored by what God has done in this space. And also I would say in person, though, there is something that is very different that happens when you’re in a room with people and being able to see people’s faces and lay hands on people. We have seen an incredible demonstration, I would say, of the Lord’s confirmation and his and his power through the prophetic word. So what do I mean by that? So, like, when we would go to, let’s say we’d come to Texas or we would. We would go wherever the Lord sends us. As soon as my feet would touch the ground in Texas or we would fly in, it’s like my intel would increase significantly. And, and not to say that doesn’t happen. I’ve released lots of prophetic words online while sitting here in Australia. But there’s something very different about having your feet on the ground and actually walking on the land. And so for me personally, the ministry that I’ve seen in person has been different to how I minister online. So I will minister very much into the body of Christ in person, but there will be very much prophetic flow into the land and into the place where my feet are.


Sorry, go ahead. No, just say the online space has similarities that you wouldn’t expect too, though, because every time we’ve gone to a land or different space, a different area, there’s always a different feel, there’s always a different grace. And every time. So we’ve done. How many schools have we done? Like, I don’t know, seven or eight. Yeah, but every time we’ve launched a new school, every time we’ve sat in that space, it just feels dynamically different to the one beforehand. And the interactions are always different. It could be the same group of people, but the interactions are uniquely different in every school that we’ve had. And I think that’s. That’s interesting. It’s an interesting dynamic because it’s, it feels much the same when we step into a different land. So just because it’s online doesn’t necessarily mean. Mean that it’s all one homogeneous space because God can create and do different things through that online space. But there’s, there’s different strengths and weaknesses in both. I think when you’re standing in a room or sitting in a room when somebody’s speaking, there’s, there’s a certain nature of being seen, physically seen that I think brings up a dynamic with our own walk, with our own way of receiving a word, where we’re, when we’re watching it behind a computer screen, it’s different to do that.


But let’s say, you know, with our own theology or our own things, our own beliefs. Because we all. We all. We’re all searching the Word for the truth. We’re all, you know, we’re all reading the Word as students. So we all have different things to mesh together to. You know, we’ve all got different, different dynamics to. To weigh up. I know that if I’ve entered an online discussion, a debate, I guess I’ve always come out a little bit wiser because my own things have been tested and I can sort of. I’ve come out of every little debate knowing that this argument that I’ve held for so long probably didn’t survive the testing as much as I needed to. And I think. So the fact that there probably is a little bit more liberty to discuss if we can create a healthy environment to do that, I think there’s. I think there’s potential there. But yes, it does also create a really healthy environment for trolling our. For people to. To really in. Indulge in their, you know, delusions sometimes too. So it doesn’t necessarily always work out, but it can be. It can be a really good place.


Well, I guess the. I guess the flip side of that coin of people that feel entitled to share their opinion openly, that’s the negative side. The positive side of people that are too shy, that would normally never share something in person, you know, may feel the grace to start sharing because there’s a degree of anonymity behind it.


That’s true.


Yeah, that’s. I was exactly. I was just going to say that because what we’ve seen on our schools is that how amazing we have seen the voices starting to come out. Like people that have been in this place where they felt intimidated or the place where they’re. They’re living, they feel like they’re not accepted or they’re a square peg in a round hole and they finally have found, like a community where they’re hearing, teaching or they’re receiving ministry that is like, actually, I’m not wrong. Like, actually, like, I am. I’m not. I’m not weird. Like, I’m actually like, I’m a pioneer or I’m a. I am a forerunner or. And just watching in the online space, the way that the Lord has given context to people has been like, the level we’ve seen it. We couldn’t have done that in person. Like, do you know what I mean? Like, with, like just with the way that the Lord has done it and watching in the online Space the way that the Lord has drawn people into community that have said, I don’t have any community in my town. Like, you know, I’ve been rejected from the church that I went to or whatever it might be, and I have no one and I’m alone and I’m isolated and I don’t want to be.


And all of a sudden I found this community. And so I look, I’m all for healthy being part of a church community, but when there have been people that are out there and they’re so isolated, seeing people come in, especially in our schools, the Lord has had us do very long schools like we’ve done. This is our second 12 month school. And I’ve asked the Lord why and, and he said because of the depth I want to train people, but also the depth that I want to heal people and the depth to which I want to release people. And so even seeing people in the online space, being drawn into this community and being able to a degree to be able to journey with them long term, to see them come from this point to now, this point of healing and freedom, and I found my voice like that for me has been an incredible blessing for online ministry.


Yeah, yeah.


Well, I want to dig into the current school that you guys have is the school of intercession. Is it divine intelligence Intercession?




Is that right? Okay.




And I think anytime I hear of a group of intercession or especially when people are growing in prophetic intercession, it’s exciting because of so many different confirmations that can happen in one little setting. So is, are you, is there anything that’s happening like that where there’s a theme that kind of comes out from, from the school of intercession?


Yeah. Well, we are, we’re in week four, I think so week four now. So we’re still very early on a 12 month school. So we’ve got a long journey ahead, which is wonderful. But I think what we. I’ll speak for me personally, but what I have felt very strongly is the birthing of this school was very much the heart of the Lord wanting to, called the church to that place of intercession in saying that, hey, everybody is called to intercede. Like we’re all called to pray. And so really championing the body of Christ to arise in prayer. And the one major thing that the Lord spoke to me about this school was that he was moving the church from a place of defense, in prayer and in warfare, to the place of offense. And that we, he was releasing in this Hour divine strategy and teaching us as his people how to steward intel, the intel that we receive from the Word through dreams, through encounters. How do we take that and carry it and pray it through? And so as we’ve dived into this school so far, we’re really seeing that theme, I would say, of intel really strongly being brought forward of so many in the body of Christ are like, I am hearing things, I’m reading things in the Word, I’m receiving revelation, but I haven’t known what to do with it.


And so now the Lord is teaching me how to pray. He’s teaching me how to intercede. And. And that, I think, has been a really major theme. And watching the Lord begin to arm the people of God with strength and with strategy for the days ahead. Like, really that place of coming up higher and that place of being one that sees, but also sees solution who. One that also sees the strategy of the Lord and really comes in line with how to pray the Lord’s heart so good.


And I think so even just looking at the Christian walk, I mean, the notion of maturity, I think is coming from a place where we’re relying on going to church for our weekly injection of Christianity to a place where we’re in our daily relationship with God, where we’re reading the Word, where we’re not just indulging, but we’re immersing ourselves into the life that Christ has. Has afforded us. But I mean, so often In Colossians is definitely a great book about this, but where Paul’s inviting us, inviting the people of Colosse into the relationship, where they understand what it is to be in him, and that dynamic of being in him comes with the dynamic of mystery too, because we are. We are. We are in a. We are physical beings in a spirit, you know, in. In the Holy Spirit. So, so how do I say this without. How do I put words to this? Okay, so someone asked me through email, you know what? How do I. How do I become a better intercessor? How do I. What’s the secret? What’s. You know, how do I. How do I better seat. Better find my seat at his throne?


And at the end of the day, there are no secrets that are unique to one person because it’s the kingdom, it’s. The invitation is open to all of us. But it’s all about intimacy. It’s all about our relationship with Him. And the more time I spend in prayer with him, the more I’m aware. I’m sensitive, I’m hearing, I’m. I’m in a dynamic where I’m immersed in a world where God’s doing more things and I can just see my physical eyes now. So I know I’m trying not to. I’m not necessarily a mystic sort of. Sort of voice, but I’m more of a teacher. But the more we find ourselves in this school, I think the more that message becomes apparent, that the way to intimacy, the way to intercession, the way to prayer is through the spirit. And as. As you do that, as you, as you immerse yourself in that, then more intel will come, more God will reveal to you, more strategy of. And it’s not just strategy for warfare, for what’s going on in the world, but our own life as well. I think the, I think the. Okay, so when we do schools, we’ve done schools in the same format for, you know, a few years now, but we basically just.


We invite people to speak him. We, we don’t generally don’t usually give them a subject. We want you to speak on this. We say this is the subject of school. We want you to bring. Come to come and share for an hour on what that is for you. And just about every single time. And we’ve had 12 month schools. We have six month schools. We had 12 week schools. Every single time a speaker has come with a completely different message. You know, there may be. There may be themes that are shared, but the mosaic that is painted across the school without any real set guidelines. So, okay, what am I saying? What am I saying is that we all have a different, A different, A different thing to share. God’s going to speak to us all differently, but it all comes from us sitting before him and, and, you know, I guess just embracing who we are in him. And.


Yeah, and I think the level of insight that the Lord is wanting to bring the church into in this hour of like insight and discernment and revelation, I think that we. There’s also a fire like, of the Lord that’s upon hearts in this hour. Around again, the why behind my intel. So let me explain this. So I heard the Lord say, lana, in this increase of. No, sorry. The increase of intel in this hour does not equate to the rapid release of revelation. And that really struck me because I thought, wow, like, how easy it is again with social media to go, I’ve heard a word and I got. I’ve had a dream and I’ve had an encounter and I’m gonna go share it. And, And I think that right now the Lord we’re Seeing in the early weeks of the school that the Lord is really refining and purifying hearts around the stewardship of intel, that a lot of the intel that God is releasing in this hour, I believe is not for public release. It’s actually to partner with him in prayer, to see things shift and see things move. Because I think sometimes we can be very quick in releasing things.


And I just, I don’t know, Jeff. I just really feel the weight of the fear of the Lord in this hour to really steward his heart with such integrity and humility and, and his way that whatever intel you’re releasing, Lord, that you would give me understanding what to do with this, that I wouldn’t be one that just is very familiar or what’s the word? Like complacent. Yeah, complacent or casual with your, your intel, it’s actually recognizing whose intel it is and where it’s coming from. And as I live in that place, like we see in the Word, it says like the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. And so I think that this hour God is bringing us as the body into this place of invitation, into accessing and walking in his wisdom in a way we never have before. But really that is only gained from the place of living in the fear of the Lord. And so I think for this school, we’re seeing lots of strategies of like, yes, this is how we pray. But also there’s that theme that’s coming through of the Lord, the reverence and awe of the Lord, which is so exciting because on the other side of that is a victorious church.


Right? An overcoming bride.


So, yeah, and, and I think that’s the, the easy thing for us to do in this day where there is a lot going on. You only have to turn on. I mean, it doesn’t matter where you go. I mean, you look at online, you know, you’re independent online sources, you look at cnn, Fox, wherever it is you’re going to, there’s an invitation to partner with fear and outrage. There’s, there are some very fleshly, very fleshy invitations for us to partner with and we can’t intercede from those spaces. So if, if God’s releasing a word or a heads up about something to that is on the horizon, a plan that’s being formed or something that we need to pray against. The ideal place is to pray about it from the secret place where God is victorious, from the notion that God has brought this before us, that we can see plans of the enemy dismantled. So to have a download such and that, such as that, and just release it for everyone, you’re going to have a mixture of responses. Unless, unless sometimes God does bring, of course, prophetic words for such a reason. There’s a heads up or this is what I’m doing.


But I think the notion of stewarding a word and using it as a weapon for a spiritual battle as opposed to just something that will feed that fear or outrage, I think is a much more positive response.


Well, and I also think that, you know, there’s, there’s a. We’re in the information age, right, where you have cell phones and things, you have constantly bombarded with information. And there’s a difference between intelligence and information. And when we treat something as holy as a word or revelation from the Lord and we just cast it out there like common information, it’s, it’s an irreverent approach to the Word of the Lord. And it can, you know, to your point of how you steward that type of intelligence, it matters. And it’s not something that you can, it’s not something that you can just hear a sermon on and then all of a sudden it’s all better in your heart. Training people in how to steward revelation is something that has to be discipled. You can’t just give it to them in a teaching, something that has to be overseen, that you have to pastor and nurture them into, into that type of growth. And it’s interesting that you’re doing a school of intercession. When and when we first met, I was, I was at a house of prayer church involved in the house of prayer. We’ve had the prayer movement and we’ve had the falling of the prayer movement in a certain extent.


And I’ve often found that I’m constantly unlearning things I’ve previously learned. You know, it was like you learned it in a certain way for a certain season. And then it’s almost like our default setting is, okay, this is how God does it. And then he changes so that you don’t rely, you’re not reliant on a certain mode or a system, or you have to stay reliant on him. And what I’m hearing you describe the school of intercession, it sounds different than some of the ways that I’ve seen intercession done in the past, which was more through striving. So how, how would you distinguish intercession and how the Lord is leading you guys in the current school?


Good question.


I definitely think that from what I’ve seen already in the past, Couple of weeks. There is a. Oh, what’s the word I’m looking for? It’s like there’s a fortifying that I’m seeing in people that is being built in the word that God is releasing. What I mean by that is that I want to get my words right and I. My spirit knows what I want to say. But there’s like a rest that I’m seeing in the. In the school already. It’s like a confidence. Oh, I can’t grab it. It’s like a confidence in the intel that God is releasing. It’s like, this is what it is. I can see that people are coming into the place of. Because of what’s going on in the world and what’s going on in their own lives. I feel like there is a. A real desperation to see the Lord move in a powerful way. But it’s come from a place of rest. There is this tangible rest that I can feel in people in the school that I haven’t seen before. And what it looks like is more of that feeling of. Or that sense of God said it, so he’s going to do it.


Like, there’s something around the faith that I’m seeing God restoring in hearts that is building this place of rest and seeing people wrestle in intercession. But it’s not a. It’s not a place of God. I hope you can do this. Like, I hope you do this. Like, it’s a. Does that make sense? Like, it’s like a. There’s a strength that I’m seeing being built in the word and the way of God. In this hour of people saying, okay, I’ve heard the word of the Lord and I’ve received it and I’m refusing to move from it. So I’m not saying that that’s never been in a. Like, gosh, some of our dearest friends are incredible intercessors and have, you know, pioneered incredible prayer movements. So I’m not saying that hasn’t been the case, but I’m seeing it now in a way in our school that is so deep that it’s really bringing people into a place of rest more than the place of striving or even the place of fear. There’s something that’s happening in the hearts of people that I think as we’ve been through these seasons where God has been refining and the reflection, finest fire upon the heart, God has been dealing with things.


It’s like it’s created and made room for people to come into this place of prayer in a Deeper place of revelation of who Christ is and that he is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And I’m seeing people less overwhelmed by. In our community in the fear of things. But this rest of. I’m not going to move from this. This is what God has said. And I’m going to stay here and I’m going to pray and I’m going to wrestle and it’s not comfortable at times, but I’m going to keep doing it until I see he who is faithful accomplish that which. Which he has said. That’s what I would say.


And I’d agree too, even in that place. So there still exists travail. There still exists the notion of, you know, bringing a matter to before the Lord in, you know, sometimes in a. I mean, okay, there’s rest and there’s peace, but there’s also, you know, there’s also the trouble in the air too, that you’re sort of in the request or in the notion. So. But yes, but praying from the perspective of being in the seated place, I think is really where the school is. I mean, it’s definitely the picture the Lord has painted so far in this school. It’s definitely. There’s definitely been a common theme of that and it’s been really. It’s been really profound. Just as sorry.


And I think as well, like the place of authority and the place of victory that we’re seeing people be awakened to, that where some of our students at times have felt like I am constantly striving and trying to reach to get victory, now there’s this settledness of actually victory is ours in Christ. That’s where I begin. So I’m praying from victory and for victory. And that’s changing the way I think that we’re seeing in the early weeks of. Yeah. Of some. Some people beginning to like. It’s clicking. Ah, okay. No, all authority has been given. You know what I mean? So, yeah, I would agree.

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