Our Story
About us

Kingdom Awakening
In 2012 started with two friends (Cody Persell and Jeff Symons), a pastor, and a dream.
Jeff Symons
Jeff had a profound salvation experience in 2006 and felt a calling to ministry, however the Lord directed him to stay in the workplace. As he learned how to use spiritual gifts to minister to strangers on the street in Dallas, Jeff started to train and equip others to do the same. In 2013 the Lord called Jeff to missionary work in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico through a series of dreams and divine connections. Since then his objective is to serve the Lord wherever the Lord desires. This has led to ministry connections across the globe in Guatemala, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, India, and the Philippines.
Cody Persell
Cody learned deliverance under the tutelage of Dr. Thomas Reedy and study theology under Jack Deere at Wellspring Church in North Richland Hills (where he-and-Jeff met). Cody regularly trains the Body of Christ on how to minister freedom to the oppressed, how to use the spiritual gifts, and encourages believers to love the Lord with all their hearts. Cody and Jeff co-lead the ministry trips to Mexico. Cody is also on the pastoral staff at The River church in Kansas City and is part of Isaiah Saldivar’s deliverance network.
Our Story starts in early 2011
The ministry of Kingdom Awakening really started in 2011. The Lord directed Jeff to learn about spiritual warfare. At the time, Cody was the pastor of a house church and regularly ministered deliverance on the weekends. Jeff traveled from Dallas to Kansas City to learn about this ministry. When Jeff entered the room to join the ministry team, a woman exclaimed “you are the man from my dream! In my dream you were leading me and my church through double-doors and performing surgery on us.”
That woman was Maria Esteves, pastor of Templo de Alabanzo in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Jeff joined the church group in the initial trip to Juarez, and although the church disbanded, Jeff and Cody have continued to travel to Mexico ever since.
Our Mission and Core Values
Our first objective is to serve and strengthen the Body of Christ through meeting with local congregations. We use the spiritual gifts to encourage, exhort, and edify local church communities in prophetic conferences and church events. We consider it a privilege to serve the local churches as they are daily on the “front lines”.
As we encourage the Body, the Lord has anointed Kingdom Awakening with a strong evangelistic calling for miracle-crusade events. Not only do the lost encounter the reality of the living God, but the church is united for these events as we can all agree that the lost need Jesus.
As the Body comes together to win the lost, more are added to their numbers… and we give God all the glory for this. Finally, as we become more acquainted with the challenges facing each unique culture, the Lord gives specific direction for how he wants us to continually “disciple nations”.
Expanding the Kingdom
Kingdom Awakening encourages the Body in local church meetings, preaches the Gospel in evangelistic crusades, and supports the needy as the Lord gives grace. This has lead to several church connections, crusade events in Mexico, Uganda, and Tanzania.
In addition to the crusade events, Kingdom Awakening looks for opportunities to strengthen the Body of Christ to fulfill their destiny through team-building mission trips. These trips involve taking missionaries to foreign nations, training the Body to use the Spiritual gifts, encouraging believers, and praying for those in need. These trips have been in various nations in Africa, North America, and South America. Crusade events and conferences are currently being developed.
More than 6 million students are currently in online courses as part of their higher education program
With our online courses, we are able to reach the Body of Christ across the globe to encourage them in their walk with Jesus. Our objective is only to serve those that feel a need for increased Biblical education through our online courses.
Almost half of all students enrolled in online courses are educated exclusively through distance education
In many nations, education is expensive an prohibitive for students. With online training we can make the Bible and Biblical learning more accessible to individuals that wouldn’t have the opportunity otherwise.
85% of students think that online learning is the same or better than the traditional classroom experience
With limited virtual seating, we ensure that each student gets the attention they need to grow in their relationship with Christ.
Start Getting New Knowledge and Experience, Together!
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